Intergenerational Sunday school class
and Worship are combined at the 11 o’clock hour

Participate in discussion, reflection, spiritual exercises, and related activities that go with the Lectionary theme each week. In addition, there are new weekly kid activity sheets, coloring pages and a Family Devotion available for download. Use can use the kids' activity sheets during the class time or at some other time during the week

Family devotion, activity sheets, etc (Changed weekly)

***If you would like copies of these weekly family devotions and activity sheets, please let us know by contacting***

Elementary Class Ages 6-11 years old Activity sheets to go with the weekly lesson.

Our worship is intergenerational. We include special moments for the children and youth. In addition, there are activity sheets and coloring pages offered each week that you can print and offer your children to complete during the classtime. Or use them with the weekly posted Family Devotion. Family Devotions and activity sheets are updated every week.

All who work with children have undergone background checks and youth protection training.  They are all Registered Youth Workers in Community of Christ.  For more info, visit this link: